Visit of Denmark Teachers and Students to LFC - Introduction 列印


Host Family





Our school has recently established a sister-school relationship with Ranum Efterskole College, Denmark, for regular reciprocal school exchange tours.  The School is situated in Ranum, a city in Northern Denmark.


Ranum Efterskole College from Denmark have paid us a visit on 7 April to 12 April 2019. Denmark students enjoyed the series of activities including Asian Cooking lessons taught by our parent-helpers, Chinese Calligraphy lesson and swimming lesson. It’s happy for students to go on an exchange program abroad and open students themselves to a world of opportunity. 


Aims and Details


-         Nurturing students from both schools with polish interpersonal and social skills

-         International learning and knowledge propels students towards acceptance and understanding of an array of different cultural and community perspectives.

-         Students find themselves more comfortable in ‘foreign’ environments.



Date: April 7 – 12 , 2019 (around 5 days of activities)

Venue: Po Leung Kuk Laws Foundation College, host family’s home and different tourist spots

Number of Students + Teachers from REC : 16 + 2

最近更新在 週三, 19 六月 2019 10:48