Professional Development - May 29, 2008 Print

Our school was visited by colleagues from Yan Bu San Zhong, Nanhai, China


May 29, 2008


Yan Bu Di San Secondary School (abbreviated as Yan Bu San Zhong), Nanhai is one of our sister schools in China. We started our first educational and cultural exchange on Jan 19-20, 2006 ( Recently, we joined a fund-raising joint-school music concert in Nanhai to support the educational development of Yan Bu San Zhong on May 17-19, 2007 (


In order to promote the professional development of the teachers in both Yan Bu San Zhong and PLKLFC, principal and teachers from Yan Bu San Zhong went to PLKLFC to have idea exchange in the areas of teaching strategies and subject development on May 29, 2008. During the visit, the principal and teachers from Yan Bu San Zhong were interested in our school-based biotechnology curriculum and biotechnology laboratory. Constructive and meaningful discussion on how research-based learning can promote active learning was also conducted. To promote the understanding on the development and curriculum contents of Liberal Studies in Nanhai and Hong Kong, a forum was also held. This visit really enhanced the collaboration with our sister school Yan Bu San Zhong.


Photo 1: Dr. K.C. Suen was sharing how our biotechnology curriculum was supported by advanced equipment.


Photo 2: Dr. K.C. Suen was presenting how research-based learning promoted students’ learning effectiveness.


Photo 3: Teachers from Yan Bu San Zhong and PLKLFC were discussing the educational issues about Liberal Studies.


Photo 4: After visiting our LAWN TV production centre, with the lead by the Principal of Yan Bu San Zhong (fourth right), a group photo was taken.


Last Updated on Monday, 05 September 2011 09:57