Stem Cell Science

Stem Cell Science

Stem cells are cells that have the potential to develop into various cell types and are valuable in medical research and regenerative medicine. Our QEF project, "STEM Education with a Focus on Stem Cell Science," aims to develop a comprehensive school curriculum in stem cell science. This project equips students with knowledge of stem cells and skills in handling them, while also providing a program for scientifically gifted students. Students explore ethical issues related to stem cell use and develop scientific inquiry skills.

By the 2021/22 academic year, stem cell science was successfully incorporated into all S.1-3 biotech curricula. Through the curriculum, students learn about stem cell fundamentals, discuss ethical issues and learn stem cell culturing skills, as well as explore stem cell genetics and advancements in regenerative medicine.

In 2022/23, the Neuroscience and Stem Cell Science Research Team was formed. Team members received lab training and conducted research on their chosen topics. Some students also participated in a summer training program at the University of Hong Kong. In the future, we plan to provide more opportunities for students, such as attending international conferences and participating in science competitions, to further explore their interest and potential in stem cell science.