Stem Cell Science Laboratory

Stem Cell Science Laboratory

Curriculum Development: From Biotechnology to Stem Cell Science

In 2005, our school set up Biotechnology Laboratory to support the development of our school-based biotechnology curriculum. This innovative curriculum is designed for all S.1-3 students. In biotechnology lessons, students can acquire essential knowledge, skills and attitude towards the current and future development of biotechnology. We believe that our biotechnology curriculum can enrich students interest and practical experience in biotechnology. In 2015, to recognize the generosity of DiagCor Bioscience Incorporation Limited, our biotechnology laboratory is named as DiagCor Biotechnology Laboratory.

The Dedication Ceremony of DiagCor Biotechnology Laboratory was held on March 16, 2015. The ceremony was officiated by Professor Yuk-Lam LO (fourth left), Honorary Chairman of Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization and acknowledged and chaired by Ms. On-Kei LEONG (third left), Chairman of PLK. We thank for the generous donation from Professor Wing-On TAM (fourth right), C.E.O. & Chairman of the Board, DiagCor Bioscience Inc. Ltd.

In 2016/17, our biology and biotechnology teachers received Chief Executive’s Award for Teaching Excellence 2016/2017 (Science Education) because of their teaching excellence in four domains: Professional Competence, Student Development, Professionalism and Commitment to the Community. They also demonstrated the strengths on (i) development of primary to secondary science programmes to promote students' interest, curiosity and creativity in science, (ii) application of teaching strategies in science lessons to help students actively construct knowledge and (iii) comprehensive curriculum plan for all students. This important award indicates that our school has built up good foundation on further development of other school-based science curricula. The following extraction from CEATE Compendium 2016/2017 indicates that they have outstanding performance in curriculum development.

“Such innovative school-based Science curriculum serves to provide students with extensive science research opportunities.” (line 6-8, p54, Compendium of the CEATE);

“The awarded teachers have successfully nurtured students’ scientific literacy.” (line 46-47, p54, Compendium of the CEATE 2016/2017)”

(Retrieved from:

Stem Cell Science Curriculum supported by Quality Education Fund

Our proposal titled “STEM Education with a Focus on Stem Cell Science – Development of School-Based Stem Cell Science Curriculum for Secondary School Students” was approved by Quality Education Fund (QEF) in 2019. With the fund of HK$ 599,600, our school is going to develop a stem cell science laboratory and school-based stem cell science curriculum for all S.1-3 students. The core concepts involved in the curriculum include: nature of stem cells, potential applications of stem cell sin medicine, practical methods of stem cell culture, genes related to stem cell development and ethical and legal issues and risks related to the application of human stem cells in medicine.

  • (Click to watch a video about our Stem Cell Science Laboratory)

  • (Click to watch a video about our vision and mission in science education)

Curriculum advisors:

Prof. Ken Kin-Lam YUNG, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) is our School Advisor and Curriculum Advisor of Stem Cell Science Curriculum.

Recent news about the invention by Prof. Yung and his collaborator: HKBU invents nanostructure that stimulates growth of stem cells for Parkinson's disease treatment

Dr. Raymond Chuen-Chung Chang, School of Biomedical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong is our School Advisor and Curriculum Advisor of Biotechnology Curriculum and Neuroscience Curriculum.

News and Media:

經濟日報:【資優課程】保良局羅氏基金中學特設生物科技科 培養未來科學尖子突破考試框架 (2020年6月26日)

香港01:冠肺炎|母預早稀釋漂白水備用 引子復課後做實驗考究推翻用法 (2020年6月26日)

星島日報:【教育要聞】家居消毒引發好奇心 初中生做實驗解謎團 (2020年6月26日)

大公報:疫情變中學STEM探究題材 (2020年6月26日)

東方日報:新技術治痛風 港生揚威國際 (2020年1月4日)

香港經濟日報:保良局羅氏基金中學設生物科 8成畢業生去年考入大學    (2018年3月28日)